Thursday, July 16, 2009

Are you the “The Biggest Loser?”

This reality TV show is marvelously amazing and inspiring.

It requires so much of a determination and will power to stop ones carvings for Junk food and start following a disciplined diet and exercise.

This show has inspired me quite a bit, but coming to real life scenario…

How many of us have not tried to lose weight. Consciously or sub-consciously every time we eat, at the back of our mind our weight clock ticks warning us with every bite or spoon of food we feed ourselves with.

With the bite of the ever temping French fries the weight clock says, mind your intake, with every strip of fry that gets into my mouth, my mind says oops +5 calories, +5 calories.

Then suddenly I think. oops, if this is the case then when am I gonna enjoy the food I love eating, when does life allow me to enjoy the favorite food of mine.

Do all of you have the same problem I face?


  1. Most of them whom i have know seem to have this problem. But having a different view on your craving for food would provide a solution. Simple things like the quality of food as well as the quantity, your daily intake, what exercise you adopt in your personal life etc..

  2. off late.. i hav become conscious too abt te eating habits. on the +ve side , havin a healthy diet keeps u healthy in life ... well almost.dont hav 2 suffer illness wen u grow old. on the -ve side u feel its 1 life...y cant i eat wat i want...another dilemma..i dont knw if u can find te right answer... ;)

  3. well said swetha, this shows i'm not alone :)
